Turning my sister into a Bratz doll (a life update)
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It’s been a while since I posted anything on the blog so here’s some things I’ve been doing.
During Leo season, I (somewhat impulsively) went to my first poetry reading. It was both so terrifying and so freeing. I spoke to a room full of strangers which is why I think I had it in me to actually do it. I did this because
1. my therapist encouraged me to
2. Mercury moved into Virgo on the day of the reading. (Merc is at home in Virgo)
Additionally, the Moon had just moved into Sagittarius into my 3H, house of communication — giving me the emotional freedom I needed especially since Sag moons are in direct opposition to my Gemini stellium.
Also—this I did not know until I pulled a chart just now—but at the time of the reading, the Ascendant and Pluto were both at 28° Capricorn. Capricorn falls into my 4H, house of home. The 4th house is also the bottom of a birth chart, so it’s like all the things that we don’t really want to deal with but have to. You can’t choose your family kind of energy. With Pluto and the Ascendant transiting me here, it forces me to show the things that I’m dealing with to my world. With Pluto specifically, it makes sense that it was to a place full of strangers because their first impression of me gets to be this raw version of me that is dealing with death.
I left as soon as I finished reading because I was feeling lots of feelings and a lil old man grabbed me by the hand to tell me thank you. This interaction was so quick but felt so significant. (of course I sobbed in my car after lol)
End of August to early September was Virgo season, and honestly every Virgo szn drags for me. (Virgo sits in my 12H)
During this time I found a perpetual planner from an estate sale. It was never used, it doesn’t have any dates so it never expires, and I get to write in the dates I need it for. (also the art in it is soooo cute)
I tried to plan in the journal and then realized I neglected it. This beautiful book sat by my bed for a few weeks until I realized it was the perfect page set up for my small daily journaling. So now, I’ve been trying to write down the most significant parts of my days (and trust, so many of them are so mundane). This new nightly ritual I’ve given myself was the best part of my Virgo season. I think I realized I wanted to have a daily document of the past instead of writing out my future.
My libra sister’s bday is in October. I made her into a Bratz doll with everything down to the box.
I started with a plain Jade off eBay, then I used nail art stickers as her tattoos, painted the eyes + lips, and cut the hair. I even sewed the tiny doll clothes and pierced the ears. This is where all my creative energy has been put into for the past month. (here’s a tiktok of me making it.)

I realized one of the reasons I wanted to gift her this is because she’s turning 27 which means she’s started a 4th house profection year. The 4th house is the house of home, and through our tumultuous childhood, we had Bratz dolls. I think I need her to do some more inner child healing and asking herself what the child who played with Bratz wants from the adult version of her now. The 4H year also means she needs to figure out what’s rooting her. The tree is unstable when the roots are a wry. She has Pisces in the 4th which also means Saturn is currently transiting this house for her, so she needs to reflect on the discipline she was given as a child and how she transmutes that into adulthood. (I don’t think she reads my blog so I can air her out like this lol)
Speaking of birthdays, a lot of friends had a lot of birthdays. I realized a majority of the people I hang out with the most have a prominent Leo, Libra, or Gemini placement which is funny to me since my mother is a Leo, older sister is a Libra, and I a Gemini.
what can I say! I love my fire and air signs.
I have been reading a lot too.
This past summer, my friends and I were in a book club together. It helped me get my reading momentum up and now I’ve dedicated at least 30min per day reading.
I just finished My Sister, the Serial Killer, by Oyinkan Braithwaite. (I give it a 3.5/5 ★ but I do recommend)
Currently I’m starting to read Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil by Liz Greene. I’ve picked this up and dropped it before but since I have a reading itch rn I’m hoping to get through it all the way this time.
I feel myself wanting to slow down lately. The heat of the summer is slowly saying goodbye and the Autumn Equinox creeped up on me. The changing of the seasons has gotten me really hard this year. After losing Imhotep, there’s an extra sting from watching the Earth change. Something about watching nature through its cycle of life, I don’t know.
When I watch the rain fall I feel myself fall with it. Feels like my subconscious wants to mirror my physical world.
There was also an eclipse! it was my first time being able to see one.

I will say my music has been keeping me sane. I feel like the Spotify algorithm has gotten to know me a little too good.
My rotations playlist is here.
my top hits lately:
- Angel — Little Simz
- Can’t Hold Me — Emily King
- Next Lifetime — Erykah Badu
- It Gets Better (With Time) — The Internet
that’s my little life for now.
thanks 4 reading !!